Equal Pay Global Forum
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Side Event during the 62nd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
The Equal Pay Global Forum will address how to translate equal pay principles into practice. Equal pay for equal work and work of equal value has been high on the international agenda – i.e. as priority theme during CSW61 when the Equal Pay Platform of Champions has been introduced and the launch of the Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC) during the 2017 UN General Assembly. There has been a strong international call for immediate and concrete action. The Equal Pay Global Forum will gather representatives from companies, trade unions, NGOs, governments and international organisations during CSW62 in order to exchange ideas and hands-on strategies on how to achieve equal pay.
The gender pay gap with its underlying causes is a global phenomenon: no country can report a wage gap of zero. There is strong support for equal pay, as an issue of fairness, and the readiness to act is immense. Politics and the economy have the same aim: payslips should be fair. Irrespective of this consensus however, women continue to be paid less for the same work or work of equal value. Therefore, the Equal Pay Global Forum calls for concrete action and the exchange of good practices in order to make equal pay for work of equal value a global reality.
The side event is organised by the Fair Pay innovation Lab in cooperation with the ILO, which, along with UN Women and OECD, leads the Equal Pay International Coalition. Members of the Equal Pay Platform of Champions are invited to take an active role in the discussion round.
Led by ILO, UN Women and the OECD, the Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC) is a multi-stakeholder coalition to contribute to the achievement of SDG target 8.5 focusing on equal pay for equal work and work of equal value.
The FPI Fair Pay Innovation Lab gGmbH addresses every question surrounding fair pay. We support companies and organisations by translating fair pay into everyday business practice. We create space for dialogue at the interfaces of economy, politics and academia and give impetus to the discussion on the future of labour.
Our special thanks go to SAP SE for providing the venue for the first Equal Pay Global Forum.
Date: Thursday, March 15, 2018 from 10:00 to 11:30 am
Lunch: 12:00 to 1:30 pm, Connecting the Continents, special invitation
Venue: SAP Office, 10 Hudson Yards, Designers Space - 48th floor in the Leonardo Center, New York
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/t9P68XNuXJk
Opening Statement
Shauna Olney, Chief of Gender, Equality and Diversity & ILOAIDS Branch, International Labour Organization
Keynote: Why companies are key to achieve gender equality
Anka Wittenberg, SVP, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer/ Head of People Sustainability, SAP SE
Discussion: Sharing good practice on how we strive for equal pay
Sylvie Durrer, Director Federal Office for Gender Equality FOGE, Switzerland
Elke Ferner, Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth of Germany
Gloria Mills, President of European Trade Union Confederation women’s committee, UNISON
Prof. Linda Scott, Said Business School, University of Oxford
Moderation: Henrike von Platen, CEO/ Founder, Fair Pay Innovation Lab
Photo: J. Perez
FPI - What we do
Why does the gender pay gap prove so intractable? What is standing in the way of fair pay for all? What do companies need to do in order to put sustainable pay strategies into practice?
Knowing about the pay gap and being willing to rid the world of the unjust state of affairs are evidently not enough to actually ensure fair pay.
Best Practice wanted
We are firmly convinced that pay equity could be possible tomorrow – if everyone wanted it. That is demonstrated by those companies where things are already fair(er).