Saving the world of work in one small step?
We are thrilled to do this for you - because we love what we do and we do it with joy!
We hold discussions with experts from business, academia, and politics, invite decision-makers to Fair Pay Management Circles and Fair Pay Summits, and find the most effective ways of achieving fair pay. We observe and analyze developments in Germany and around the world, combine our fair pay knowledge into solid arguments, give interviews, deliver lectures and discuss on podiums. And we collect and share best practice examples so that things can finally move faster, in terms of fair pay for all employees - no matter where they come from, who they love, or what they believe in, regardless of marital status, gender or age.
Anyone who wants to support us in this can sponsor a zebra sponsorship, buy a rocket ticket, engage us as an advocacy lab or discreetly make an anonymous donation.
Your donations are exclusively used for activities we cannot charge anyone for: for example, writing new articles for our Fair Pay Around the World series, working on new convincing arguments for Fair Pay or updating our growing best practice database. Consultations, analyses, or other services for single companies are of course not financed by donations.
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